Geology 1931

I took the dog for a slightly different route for his walk just after midnight.

This time we went through part of the Edinburgh University King’s Buildings complex. We didn’t see any badgers but did spot a fox.

And this relief which is dramatically lit from above. (A bit too dramatically if I’m honest as shielding the camera from the spotlight to prevent the light swamping the picture was a challenge.)

It is on the Geology building which was opened in 1931. The figure is meant to represent Geology and not a famous geologist. In daylight is is not so striking.

Home internet went down tonight which has been a bit frustrating with lots of church related emails bouncing about. I’ve got a temporary workaround but I want to be confident the system is operational before I install a new router hub that has arrived. If I disappear off the grid for a while that will probably be the reason as I reset lots of access passcodes.

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