A Bang-Up Day...

I was supposed to go into school this morning with my team, and didn't really want to go. We have a lot to sort out as we are overhauling our classrooms and changing the environment, hopefully for the better. 

As I got ready, I saw that my neighbours opposite were having a little work done, and a guy with a small white van was parked half over their driveway, opposite mine. 

For reasons I will never understand, having seen the van there all morning, I neglected to do a tighter than usual turn as I backed out of my driveway, and there was an unexpected and loud bang...

I got out to inspect the damage, confused at first at what had happened, then so unbelievably cross with myself that I'd done it. Tail between my legs, I went across to the neighbour just as the man was coming out. I asked him if that was his van, and he said yes, and did I want him to move it. No, I said, I've already backed into it.....

He was very nice, said it wasn't a problem, we swapped details etc, but I was just trying not to cry. He even thanked me for being so honest.

Spend the rest of the day trying not to cry, but sorted it all with the insurance company, although when the garage phoned me about the repair, they said they were booking for the end of November...

Just so cross with myself, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not a big deal. But I can't believe I did it, so I have no-one but myself to blame. 

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