things, bits & bobs...

By Nicpic


A quiet day today other than when the house alarm was serviced. Over the last couple of weeks, it's gone off randomly - no break-ins etc. The neighbours have been great and looked etc, but alarms that go off without reason - and keep doing so - are just a nuisance.

The alarm serviceman was great, but couldn't work out why it had been going off as nothing seemed to be faulty. So he decided to just do the service & come back to it. Part of the service is to check inside the sensors. And, inside one of the senses was a lovely big spider - the culprit!

A bit of work & then a walk - except the rain fell & I didn't feel like getting wet. The sun is out now, but I've lost the will. So a bit of scenery on a quick drive for my blip.

Viewed in large is so much better.

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