Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish


2 rounds of chemo done and 23 of 30 radiotherapy sessions done and whilst it's tough and going to get tougher, I made this dual exposure to show Di the progress she's made.

She's surprised me and the speech therapist with her resilience, we were expecting the side effects to be more debilitating by now. I'm not underplaying them, eating is painful and as a result she's lost half a stone but she smiles every day for the photo that I insist on taking to map this journey.

There is a lady who was at the hospital when Di had her first radiotherapy session, it was her first as well. I'd estimate her age to be mid 40s to mid 50s and she looked to be youthful based on her dress and demeanor. We've seen her in passing pretty much every week since, so about 5 times, including today. The change has been shocking and distressing to see, she's a shadow of her former self and today, she could have passed as an old woman had I not recognised her. I'm hoping for a good outcome for her, she deserves it given what she is going through - cancer sucks

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