Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Berries in the churchyard...

...for WidWed today...

I couldn't find a Yew, but I thought one of the Rowans looked rather colourful, and the churchyard was looking particularly tidy and green! 

Pilates this morning and Podiatrist this aft, then we called in at Joy's Coffee Shop to celebrate a sunny afternoon ;) 

And this Saturday is the first Saturday in the month, therefore it's a hosted Silly Saturday - courtesy of moi this month - in honour of Admirer ;) 
If you could find something silly, odd, curious or just plain daft to post that would be great - and just like Admirer would have done, we could all enjoy a chuckle!
The tag is SilSSep2023 this month, or SilS361 if you prefer.
Hearts etc with my blip on Tuesday or Wednesday ;)

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