Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Swans Galore

Dad and Orla went for a walk around Broadwood Loch after lunch. There seems to be far more swans around than ever before (the same goes for squirrels in the trees at the bottom of the garden).

Walking and talking can be very useful, particularly on the topic of setting the good habits that are required for homeschooling. One thing that has suffered since the start of homeschooling is piano practice frequency. Orla used to practice before leaving for school but has since been getting straight into the next homeschool topic. The old routine is now going to be reinstated.

Orla had a maple donut in Tim Horton's at the end of the walk, having stated that she's never had maple before! 

After Conor was back from school, Dad, Orla and Conor played a game of 'Would You Rather', with ChatGPT asking the questions. This generated much interesting discussion and debate. These were the questions that it asked:

1. Would you rather be able to fly like a bird or be able to breathe underwater like a fish?

2. Would you rather have the ability to teleport anywhere instantly or have the power to read minds?

3. Would you rather live in a world where it's always summer or a world where it's always winter? (In the "always summer" world, the temperature would be consistently warm, around 75-85°F (24-29°C). In the "always winter" world, the temperature would be consistently cold, around 20-30°F (-6 to -1°C)).

4. Would you rather have the ability to speak and understand all languages or have the ability to play any musical instrument skillfully?

5. Would you rather have the power to time travel to the past or to the future?

6. Would you rather be a famous actor/actress or a respected scientist?

7. Would you rather live in a world with no internet or a world with no smartphones? (ChatGPT is getting a little confused here!)

8. Would you rather have the ability to control the weather or have the ability to control time?

9. Would you rather be able to talk to animals or be able to understand and interpret dreams?

10. Would you rather live in a bustling city or in a quiet countryside village?

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