Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

They smell good too!

Today we have had a soft rain, barely noticeable but if I did not wear a rain jacket I would have been wet after my hour's walk with Xena. After my walk I went to get some groceries - Tommy sorts out his own breakfast and lunches and he buys the ingredients he needs for that so my shopping trolley is not as full as one would think with Tommy living at home again.

Being a bit dull today I decided on some indoor photography. These are the flowers that Fiona gave us on our return home on Sunday, and they also have such a lovely scent so it was a very pleasant experience to photograph them.

It has been a lovely quiet week at home after our holiday, although to be honest we are all feeling very sad the holiday is over as it was such a special one and will never be repeated. My family in SA are missing all of us, especially as we have no plans to return to SA just yet, so it is hard for them knowing when they will see us again. That's the trouble with a successful once-in-a-lifetime holiday, nothing else quite lives up to it ever again!

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