
By IainatCreel

Hoy and Graemsay High

I’ve wilted (in today’s heat) and given into the Hoy Hills.  As ubiquitous as abandoned trolleys really.  However, it’s a view I find it hard to go past.  Met with our Heritage Project Leader in a Stromness café to prepare for tomorrow’s AGM.  CMC then left to get the Hoy boat and the café prep and chat carried on.  I then went along to Fletts where they were pleased to have featured on a Swedish Blip update.  Then Argo’s. 
Back at HQ the Mortlach, which has sadly flattened out, has been perked up with a drop of A’bunadh.
It’s been such a stunningly beautiful day that the only sensible thing now seems to be to listen to Beethoven’s Septet in E-Flat Major.  First I must find the chaise longue.

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