Through a glass

It's been a very wet day and was raining fairly heavily as I set off for a water fitness class.  It was an enjoyable class and I quite enjoy swimming or water activities when it's raining outside.  

Back home I made a large quantity of soup using some of the large courgettes that had accumulated.  It must be getting cooler weather to be making soup.  In the afternoon I headed to my hairdressers house as she ran out of time when visiting yesterday.  She has been under a lot of pressure with a backlog of clients that she had to cancel due to catching covid while on holiday.  Fortunately she and her family have now all recovered.  It does seem to be on the increase now though.

I didn't have an image for today and spent some time trying to find a photo using glass objects to look through for Abstract Thursday.  In the end I settled on a jam jar and looked through it at an indoor flower.  I changed the colours as well,  See extra for the original flower without the glass jar.

Last day of August, where has summer gone.

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