
By Bizonderimage

Post Processing

My interest in photography has crystallized over the last few years, and one of the inevitable things I've learned as I've improved is that today's photographs are a lot better than what I used to take.

Currently I am giving a lot more attention to post processing and how images can be significantly improved to get them to look more like what you were seeing or feeling when you took the shot.

As a present for my birthday I was given a book of photographs taken in the Hebrides, showing the linkage between the colors in the landscape and the colors in Harris Tweed cloth. This is an enormous book and quite expensive ( I know you should not look up how much a present cost but I wanted the web site address to add below)
The book is called " From the land comes the cloth" and is one of the most beautiful and inspiring books I have seen for ages. you can look at the web site of the author Ian Lawson Here

This prompted me to go back and have a look at the photographs I took when on holiday in the Hebrides a few years ago, I have re-processed one or two more in line with how I would treat an image today - and what an amazing difference it makes - which made me realize just how much better my images are today (or I hope so anyway)

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