The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Last Day On Skye

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We went for a walk in the Kinloch forest which Murphy loved as he could be off the lead, sniffing his best life! There are a lot of sheep on Skye and unfortunately (as you know, LTJ) Murphy thinks that chasing them is fun. The sheep, not so much.

We then headed off for a wander by the Torrin pools and sat outside at Amy’s Place Tea Room with cake - the perfect way to appreciate the wild countryside!

The Prince and I went for a pint on our own before dinner at the Rosedale hotel and got chatting to a woman from New York who had spent the summer travelling. She was been slightly surprised when she arrived in Edinburgh to find that summer does not necessarily equate to warm! She has absolutely loved Scotland and has been blown away by how beautiful it is. Which it really is and hearing it through fresh eyes makes the colours even brighter.

Last night of holiday card games (I lost spectacularly), laughing as YMP getting her fix of 21 and backing out of the kitchen to ‘ONE MORE ROUND’!


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