Exeter College

It was enrolment day for Leo at College.  The city centre was jam packed as loads of students were swarming about doing the same.  It didn’t take too long for the actual enrolment bit as Leo hit the grades he needed for his A levels.

So he stuck with his original choice of A levels in Business, Economics and History.  They also have to to what they call an ‘extend’ option which is a fourth course meant to widen their learning beyond the core A levels.  When Leo got his original offer he was talked into doing Economics and Environmental Change as his extra.  He wasn’t happy with that as he had originally chosen Criminology but he said the woman was very forceful and talked him into it.  I told him just to be strong this time and tell them he didn’t want to do the Environmental change option.  He held firm and asked to change and was a bit disappointed when they told him Criminology was full.  But a brand new extend option became available and you will never guess what it was? Football Business!  As you can imagine, Leo snapped that up in an instant so that cushioned the blow of missing out on Criminology.

So he is all set for his induction days next week now.  All change!

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