Life on the Good Intent

By ClydeBorn

Mighty Sward

No not a typo. This is my lawn, wildflower meadow. Taken in my jammies first thing, would have loved to stay there all day.
After work I went to use my 17p off per litre coupon to fill up my car. Miles has a 42 litre tank - petrol light came on as I arrived at work this morning - less than 1 mile from the supermarket filling station. Normally 36 litres would fill the tank from this. So why did it take 44.7 litres to fill up???? Even when I had not realised the filling station in Brodick closed early and we had to drive from Lamlash back to Lochranza and back to Brodick it only took 41 litres to fill up!
Funny thing the only other two occasions in the eight years I have had this car, when it took so much to fill up were also in a supermarket.
So I was well and truly fuming - ending up paying for an extra 8 litres!!!!! I will be contacting the head office of the supermarket and trading standards.
Then to top it off, I stopped at a petrol station near the Forth Road bridge to get milk and bread. It was very busy and I stood patiently in the long queue - I became of a woman looking out of the window anxiously and shuffling about in the queue. She had not purchased anything. There was a fair bit of muttering from behind her in the queue. When she was two places ahead of me she muscled up to a cashier and attempted to pay for fuel that her other half had been pumping while she queued. Grrrrrrr! I am sure this contravenes petrol station etiquette.
So I was so wound up by the time I got home and the sky had clouded over, I had two large glasses of red wine and conked out!
Saturday morning.
Realised I hadn't blipped anything for yesterday, so in a much more relaxed mood, this Randy Newman song came on my random iPod. Bear with the intro, I love this song and please don't laugh at my mighty Sward, I am about to mow my meadow, but that's another song!

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