campervan man

By campervan

I am co-habiting my garden with this guy

Earlier on this year I retrieved an area of the garden that had been neglected and used a a dumping ground for a long time. It was in the bottom corner of the plot, hidden away from the garden proper. I needed to do this as I had half a dozen roses that required a new home. The roses have thrived and are flowering well in their new home.
To get a usable area all the rubbish on the site had to be cleared. It had loads of wood, bits of chicken wire, empty bags that had held fertilizer or chicken feed and other stuff. Using my normal methods, rather than sorting it out, I collected all the stuff up and dumped it in another part of the garden. I now find that I need that bit of garden to store a pile of horse poo so it all needs moving again. 
It is unfortunate that I dumped all the rubbish on the land that was previously my poo pile, and is very fertile. So what was empty waste ground when I moved the rubbish onto it, is now full of strong healthy weeds growing over the wood and rubble, through the chicken wire and obscuring everything. The dominant weeds are stinging nettles, several feet high. Clearing it did not promise to be an enjoyable experience.
However its now done, the weeds cleared, the rubbish sorted and stacked (untidily) and I am now ready to receive the poo. It does not look good and there is more work needed to get it properly usable but its a start and I am sure all the stings I received from the nettles will stop itching sometime soon.
The hidden dumping ground area is quite large, the important word being "hidden". I am gradually pushing it back but need a concerted effort (and plan) to do it all. Up till now the main part of the garden has taken priority, now that's almost done I can turn my attention elsewhere.
This guy is a Leopard Slug. I am told they are common but I have not seen one previously. To give an idea of its size the plank it is crawling across is 4inches wide. I spent some time photographing him, mainly because it meant I was not doing what I was suppose to be doing. He eventually slimed off and I regretfully returned to my task

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