
By HeartFreek

Heart 8

Here's one I prepared earlier! Much earlier! I was made to get up at 6.30 this morning as we needed to be in Winchester for 10. Mr W is playing with a bat and a squash ball with a load of other coppers! Hard day for me then!

He's now happily on court and I'm playing the dutiful wife, sitting inside while the sun shines brightly outside!!!

This little Heart is yesterday's Garden centre purchase. I have hung it on my Heart embossed handbag for now. I blipped it early as there arnt any Hearts on the squash court.

Had a lovely text from my baby boy this morning saying how much he loved his new car! I'm so pleased. I worked so hard trying to find him one, sort out finances, fitting in driving him around, endured his pain of his bought and given back car yesterday and the late night last night getting him home. But it's all worth it now. Just hope the garage I found him doesn't find too much wrong with it. Fingers crossed.

Have a lovely day in the sunshine all. Think of me, inside all day with all these Policemen!!!!


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