
By Ellaphant

Breda Mural 10 -- 'Breda Jazz Festival'

This was painted in 2022 to celebrate the 50th anniversary / edition of the 4-day long Breda Jazz Festival, the oldest and largest multiple-day jazz festival in the whole of Europe, which was held for the first time in 1971.  It starts every year at 13.00 on Ascension Day, which is always on a Thursday, and continues up to Sunday.  Why painted in 2022 and not 2021?  You are right -- COVID meant no Jazz Fest in 2020.  AW and I don't really 'attend' but we do drop by and walk around sometimes.  We've never been the type to consume copious amounts of alcohol whilst sauntering between jazz band and jazz band but there is a lot of really good music to be enjoyed, all of it for free.

Cycled to town to shoot this, then supermarket errands on foot, followed by all kinds of housekeeping chores and kitchen duties.  Genealogy after dinner while AW was at Sweed's and Benna's for Friday evening live bridge.  He and Benna are a team and enjoy beating Sweed and Lavinia, who do win occasionally.  Highlight of today was the Contract I digitally signed in connection with the new job.

Thankful for having gotten things done.

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