My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Today was Briar's birthday party. She is 25. 


Caro finds this unbelievable. "She looks like she could be your grand-daughter," Caro tells me. 

I mean. She has a point. Also Briar is TINY. She is a very small, small person. However she honestly, truly, really was 25 on the 26th but that was "Wicked" day so we decided to postpone her party for a week. 

A cake was obtained, a playlist of music videos (with lyrics) was made and we had our resident AV specialist help us rig up a room in Kainga Ora for pizza and party time. 

Briar invited along some of her mates and Fazzy and Olivia made everything pretty with balloons and a banner. 

The thing is, Briar's never had a big birthday bash before. She told me her 21st was family only. She's never sung Queen or ABBA or Taylor Swift in public. 

Yes. Taylor Swift. A LOT of Taylor Swift. 

I don't get it. I honestly don't. I mean. I don't DISLIKE her music. But I don't LIKE it either. 

But April (who had flown up especially for the occasion) and Briar LOOOOOVE Tay-Tay. They get quite emotional about it. 

I am very much older than both these women. Also they are women. That's all I can put it down to. 

However, I do know that Briar loves the sounds of disco almost as much as me. Months ago I made her a playlist of classics but cheekily added Danger! Danger! High Voltage! because it's sort of a disco song and includes the lyric "FIRE IN THE DISCO!"

Briar LOVED this song. Immediately. 

I'll often get a random text from her at any time of the day or night just saying, "FIRE IN THE DISCO!"

To which I must reply, "FIRE IN THE TACO BELL!"

Briar was, however, COMPLETELY SCANDALISED by the risqué music video. 

"OH MY GOD!" she said. 

She's such a young person.

I daren't ever show her the video for Gay Bar

So tonight Briar was surrounded by people who love her and she laughed and sang along and had pizza and cake and got "Happy Birthday" sung at her. 

And I hope she felt special. Because she really is. 


p.s. Also I got to duet on "Don't You Want Me?" with Fazzy. This may be the highlight of my entire life. 

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