Ashleigh Joys Photography

By AshleighJoy

Ant Watch'n

Annabelles been doing ALOT better. When we took her to the emergency vet they said she does have a fractured rib, and two air pockets on either side of her body which was restricting her breathing. Also one lung looked pretty beat up but was ok. They kept her overnight saying they wernt sure if she would make it..but if she did the worst would be over. Well....SHE MADE IT! We got her yesterday morning, she was sent home with pain meds (mainly for her rib pain) and put on bed rest for atleast 10 days. She acts just normal...cept sleeping a lot (from the meds)

Heres her watchin ants, u can see on her side its shaved that's where they did the chest tap, also shaved on the otherside, and one leg for a catheter.

Im so glad my baby will be ok!

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