all this useless beauty

By jasonjklewis

The Cube

Today's blip is from the restaurant at the top of The Cube in Birmingham. I went with Ben Murphy whose blip is really smart.

His entry says it all, so I won't bother repeating it here. Other than to say I've spent ages trying to make some pictures of the death defying window cleaners look good (too much glare), so I went back to this panorama. Larger version here.

For info - from left to right you can see the REP theatre, the new Library of Birmingham (opening in September), Alpha Tower (where I used to work), the current Central Library, the BT Tower, the Museum and Art Gallery, the Council House (where I currently work) and just visible on the right hand side St Philips Cathedral.

Well I'm off to finish creosoting my shed so today's song is this.

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