
We had to pick up The Cygnet after his tennis lesson this morning.
We arrived early after having gone to pick up a prescription and sat and soaked up the lovely weather (it makes a change). There was gie little tennis being played - it looked more like a social gathering.

When we got back to the house, Stupid Cat decided to stretch out on the Cygnet's legs. He is a big beast and he still has a fair bit to go before reaching adulthood.

I went to do some digging in the garden and the first thing I came across was a froglet. If it hadn't moved I probably wouldn't have seen it. For its own good I ushered it along a bit. It wasn't eating - that is a tiny grain of soil stuck to its face.

I didn't work in the garden for long -- between the warmth and the bending making the breathing hard it just wasn't worth the trouble.
Instead I did a wee bit of turning ... a couple of spinning tops were done and a couple of Gonks were started (one of them may be heading to the bin if I can't figure out a way to deal with the rot in the wood) as were a couple of mugs.

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