
Dunscore Church is celebrating the 200th anniversary of its present building, which replaced the one built here in 1649. Before this, the church had occupied a site near the old Dunscore Kirkyard, a few miles away (where some of my ancestors are buried). The copper font was brought from this old building, along with a sandstone plaque, incorporated into the outside of the present building and inscribed with the words "How amiable are Thy tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts, to me".

This weekend's celebrations included a flower display in the church. All village groups were invited to take part, and amazingly there were contributions from 30 different organisations! All were impressive, but this was my favourite, by the Eco Group, showcasing not only the local flora fauna and produce but also their regular litter picking activities.

It was nice to meet and chat with folk I'd not seen for a while. I caught the bus up to the village, met up with Joanna (who had contributed a beautiful flower crown) and then walked back, picking blackberries for tea.

I'm feeling almost back to my normal self and able to enjoy the warm sunshine which looks set to last for the next few days :-)

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