
Although it was cloudy when we were having breakfast of ricotta pancakes and bacon (a late one, having spent ages doing crosswords and other word games with tea in bed), it soon warmed up and turned into a lovely sunny day.
Sat in the garden surfing around the property pages then helped finish doing the onion stringing. T popped round and K pulled together some lunch based around some tomatoes from the garden…both dark brown skinned, but one green and one red inside…delicious and still warm from the sun.
Chatted about gardening, holidays, renting out houses, lottery wins and football (Southampton, his team, losing 5-0 as we ate!) then he went home to sleep before another night’s work and we went out for a walk as I’ve been a real sloth these last couple of days. We went across and around the nearby fields that have just been harvested, gathering and eating some super sweet brambles on the way and passing a woman harvesting something (looked like dock plants but I’m not sure) that she said were good for clearing the kidneys. Beautiful warm sunshine…almost too warm. Typical as the children here go back to school that the weather improves!
I drove down to see P again. He’s feeling ok apart from usual stomach bloating and hasn’t been eating much (he’s at 48kg, down 2kg from last week) although when I left he was tackling a roast chicken dinner (which I doubt he finished). Still talking positively about the idea of Snaith Hall, so I’ll talk to the manager again on Monday.
Home for supper then we watched the first episodes of an Australian comedy murder series set in Tasmania….slow but quite good. Not sure I’ll last all 8 episodes!

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