
A grand day all round.

Up far too early again so even after all the usual Wordle, Globle, etc and the Observer cryptic I was still all dressed and out on the bike for an hour and half by half seven. And obviously at that time of the morning in the countryside the roads were virtually empty and the sun was shining too and all was well and good.

And then after a bit of chilling back at the holiday cottage there was a big fry-up brunch and some sitting in the sun before it was time for me to get re-lycrad and get in the saddle once more for the ride back to Edinburgh which went pretty well and I was home around four to re-acquaint myself with the cat (he seemed nonplussed by my presence as usual to be honest) before the girls arrived home off their bus and he became far more interested. I'm not really his favourite in the house. I can live with it.

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