Buddy and his buddy Dougal. They are so sweet together and sometimes practically graze on top of each other! 

Day spent emptying out the playhouse and sorting all the outgrown garden toys for skip or charity or giving away. Piled a load of stuff up by the garden gate and some of it went straight away. I hate waste so I'm so pleased if someone can make use of the things we don't need anymore. 

Eva got a bit upset. She finds it really hard to let go of stuff. I get it though. We found Toby's old bath toy boat which must have been used in the paddling pool at some point. He used to have this whole long winded procedure for launching it off the side of the bath and it had to be done exactly the same way each time. There were two little figures in it and he used to say "put his seat belt on. Clip" for each one. I can still hear him saying it in his little voice now!! It used to take flipping ages for him to get it in and out of the bath!! I ended up scrubbing it and putting it in the keep pile!

It also reminded us of his toy rocket he had as a gift for cracking potty training. It had a sound recording that counted down from 5 to launch of you pressed a button. You had to keep your finger on it or it wouldn't go through to the launch bit. I remember him so clearly trying to carry it up to bed with his finger on it and accidently letting go and having an almighty tantrum because he had to start the whole thing again from the start. He used to sleep with it next to him in bed- it was a big plastic thing!! 

Didn't leave any time to ride today which was a bit rubbish. 

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