Cutie in the sandpit

After breakfast out (I know, dig us!) we had a wander over to Alexandrovsky Sad to watch the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and then the girls and I went to buy the three scooters that they have been hankering after for the last couple of weeks (they are definitely all the rage here).

We managed to get home just before a massive downpour but an hour or so later it had cleared up and we went up the road to the Bul'var so that L, E and L could scooter around. Little Boy only feel off 4 times, including a rather fantastic skid across the path and around a corner that must have really hurt but he got up, brushed himself off and carried on regardless.

When I looked at his legs in the bath tonight it is fairly hard to find any skin that isn't grazed or bruised.

Whilst all this was going on littlest had a quick snooze and then chucked a load of sand around in the sandpit!

Early night all round tonight and, after last night, definitely no vino....

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