...GONE!  I made some lovely brushcetta with our home grown tomatoes - and it was delicious, but having looked up the spelling to make sure it was right, I realise I didn’t add any balsamic vinegar - ah well, there are plenty to make some more another day.

I have to say that we will find it hard to lose weight living next door to Lynn and Mike, because she is always tempting us with something;  today it was custard donuts and if you have never tasted them, then you are missing out!

I thought they would make a good blip so took several shots of mine, but then decided that it would be much more appealing if Mr. HCB was  in the shots.

So here is a collage of him firstly, inspecting it - when I asked him why, he said he needed to know where the custard had been injected so that he could get a good mouthful to start with.  However, that was not to be - and it took him at least three bites before he hit gold, or rather custard!  Going round clockwise you will see him in various stages of eating his custard donut, with a shot of the tomatoes and garlic at the top and then just a quick lick of the fingers at the end.  I have to say I didn't inspect mine, I just got stuck in!

With thanks to our lovely neighbour, Lynn - the next time she asks if we want anything when she goes to Morries, I can say, “Yes please, some custard donuts!"  The trouble is that she will never let us pay for anything, so you will never guess what we buy for her - it’s either a Daily Telegraph - she says she won’t pay £3 for it - or toilet rolls from Waitrose!  To each their own, as the saying goes!  

I wonder if a custard donut has ever been the subject of a Blip before? 

P.S. I did manage to stay in our bed last night - Mr. HCB is still sleeping in the spare room, but was up by 6 a.m. ready to take some painkillers, but as Mr. HCB says, he counts that as a win!  Thank you for all your kind comments, get well wishes, stars and hearts - as I was reminded today, it is only three weeks since I had major back surgery!  

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