That Monday morning feeling
This Monday morning got off to a bad start when I picked up this leaflet dropped through the letterbox.
It was a special offer for my funeral.
Well, no thanks. “Plan you funeral, your way,” it says “ and make sure all that’s missed is you.”
Is that supposed to be funny?
Who writes this stuff?
I have no intention of leaving this world for a while and I have no wish to be reminded of my mortality especially as I am in a hurry to go for my weekly lesson at Stirling university swimming pool.
Trouble is ,when you reach a certain age your morning post takes an unexpected turn. Instead of offers to try time shares with free weekends thrown in, or cheap flights to exotic destinations you are bombarded with adverts for incontinence pads, chair lifts and retirement homes.
Latterly the advertising has taken a sinister turn, it’s all to do with making wills, downsizing and funeral options advising me of the benefits of paying for my funeral in advance.
All very worthy. But no thanks. Not yet.
However, life got better in the pool. I made the unexpected discovery that far from sinking to the bottom if you don’t keep flapping your legs and arms it’s quite difficult to sink.
Someone had dropped a metal wristband and I thought it would be easy to go down and get it. Far from it. We all tried it and only one succeeded.
So much to learn. No time to think of funerals.
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