
By Groggster

An Artist's Impression Of A Tart I Didn't Make

I was intending to make a peach, almond, cardamon and basil puff tart today from a recipe I'd found in the Feast supplement of the Guardian (that makes me sound so middle class!).
However, when I got back from the shops I realised I'd forgotten to buy more than half the ingredients or purchased the wrong ones - I'd bought nectarines instead of peaches, unremembered the unsalted butter (it's a vegan recipe - so it was supposed to be vegan butter but who's ever even seen that!), the ground cardamom and the puff pastry. So a bit of an epic fail on all counts. Therefore, this image from the magazine showing what it should look like will have to suffice until I actually get round to buying all the right elements to make it.
Apparently the end result, according to the recipe, should taste "like summer, distilled". I'm pretty sure my effort will not look or taste like it's defined a whole season so I really think you are better off with this artist's impression! :-)

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