Little helper

What a glorious day it has been. I struggle cycling in the heat but it's so lovely to have some sunshine.  

Work went well. It did have some challenges.  The fire alarm went off so all the students and staff had to evacuate the building.  Thankfully no fire, but a shame as the noise can really effect the students that we work with. My little student was so distressed and didn't want to be in the building anymore.  The sensory room calmed them for a while . But they didn't settle when having to go back to class. No skin was broken today but I do have their mark. I don't mind as I know how stressed they were. 

The Jedi's nursery were practicing lockdown drills too. The staff are teaching them that 3 alarms sounding means a tiger has escaped and they need to stay in the building so it doesn't eat their pudding.  ( the tiger who came for tea ). I think that's a clever way to teach them they need to stay inside. 

The bigger wildlings have had a good day. Harp came home wearing her sweater. That child must have been roasting.  
Nana and grandad came to the house so I could go on a driving lesson.  Had to pull over for a ambulance today and then had a police van behind me for a while. I did parallel parking today. Nailed my first attempt,  didn't do as well on my second and had to correct myself.  I have another lesson next week and then he wants me to book my test. Yikes. I'll see how I feel. 

Dinner , bath and bed for the wildlings.  

Apologies if I'm just sprinkling stars and not commenting on everyone's journals. Life seems so busy . 

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