St Ives

We picked up pasties at Philps in Hayle first thing and then parked just down the road from St Uny church in Lelant.  We were hoping to walk across Porth Kidney beach and scramble up the far side before dropping down to Carbis Bay, but the tide was in.  Thwarted.

Still very windy and hot, and I looked like a beetroot when we got to Carbis Bay for a cold drink and pasties on the beach.

The last leg into St Ives was quite leisurely, but after a quick walk around the heaving town (people, and SO many dogs), we caught the bus back to Lelant.

Sitting with the door open, enjoying the sunshine, and finally the wind has dropped.  A bit of washing on the line, which should be dry by the morning.  No sign of the shoe thief as yet.

This was taken from the dunes, which run alongside the golf club and single track railway to St Ives.  The extra is Porth Kidney beach.

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