Sophie’s Back In Routine

It was Sophie’s first day back at school and now into Year 4 with a new teacher. The xtra was sent to me by Kate, showing Sophie all dressed up and ready to go.

We picked her up after school and she had enjoyed her day, declaring her new teacher to be ‘nice’. 

With no dancing yet and the outdoor pool packed in the hot weather, we settled for playing board games in the back garden until dinner time.

After dinner Sophie was very amused by building a tower from things on the table. ‘Mummy and Daddy would never let me do this’ she said after a while. We’re in trouble!

Good news as well as her Dad Joel had an interview for a job as an orderly at the local hospital today and got the job. He’ll be able to walk to work and the hours suit him perfectly.

A very hot golf round this morning. We all played close to handicap.

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