Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Uninspiring Apples....

... I say 'uninspiring' because on close inspection they are all rotten.
They're always rotten from our trees (we have two). We have tried lots of remedies, but to no avail. 
Heigh ho. 

It's been warm today. 
Warm enough to dry AND air the washing on the line for the first time this year! 
I've made the most of it because, after all, it is September and we often have snow here as early as November.

(I also noticed, just saying, that the local supermarket (which rhymes with 'Jane's Curry') has mince pies and little chocolate reindeers on the shelves. Oo-er). 

No apples for us then. 
Thankfully the squirrels are much less fussy.

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