Eco Dad +

By EcoDad


Where has the day gone, took this is a last minute blip.

Coached the girls at football today, it was brilliant. The other coaches had set up a taster session for the younger girls, we had 15 new little ones turn up.

The older girls all mentored then in the drills and were fantastic. Then it was some last minute preparation for the final on Wednesday. They were so focussed today it was incredible.

Back home to a stream of visitors, to see the puppy of course. At least they made a pot tea for me.

Eco son and I went to drop off his bike to get repaired, he has trashed the front wheel. Got some bashed bananas from the fruit store cheap to make banana loaf.

Eco son changes into Cake boy when he goes mountain biking. I make banana loaves for the instructors and all the other kids, seemingly they love it.
he is off to Laggan tomorrow, he is looking forward to it.

This was Juno just after she peed in the house, we thought we had cracked it but two accidents today in the house. She is tired so we will put it down to that.

Night Night.

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