
By nicky

Repair Cafe

I pass a village hall on the way home from work and noticed that a repair cafe was running this morning, so I thought I’d go along and see if they could mend the display on my alarm clock radio - it hasn’t worked for a few years so I can’t change the channel or time the alarm goes off!

The place was buzzing - lots of people ready to help, lots of people waiting with various items that needed some tlc, and tea and cakes to while away the waiting time. It’s obviously quite a thriving little community!

Anyway, it came to my turn but unfortunately the electrician found that the circuit board had a faulty connector which he couldn’t mend as the circuits were all so tiny. So unless I can find a replacement online, I will just have to carry on waking up at 7!

Pottery in the afternoon - another successful session, apart from the glazing from last week which I wasn’t very happy with - it takes time to get to know a new set of glazes and so far nothing stands out as my favourite. I am trying charcoal and transparent this week so we’ll see how that turns out - the test samples someone else did look promising!

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