Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Always like to see Egrets in the estuary.  Had to take my car into garage first thing for annual service and MOT.  They loaned me a car to get home which was an experience to say the least.  Wont bore you with the details!  

Had a bit of a lazy day as too hot to do anything.  So after I collected the car and fed Misty I got the mower out and cut some grass.   Also did some weeding and something made me take the lid off the manhole which was installed in the New Year just to check all was ok.  I'm so glad I did as could see that it was blocked, sigh!  So phoned N in the village who dealt with the  blockage in New Year and he came around this evening and after quite a while managed to clear it.  He thinks there's a broken pipe which he'll deal with in due course.  

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