Ant's thought of the day.

By SaintAnt76

BB circle

What a lovely day, just a little windy but not enough to put me off doing a very quick BBQ to cook tea tonight. I took this image of my BBQ against the back drop of our circular garden, just seemed to work.

My thought.... BBQ's are great, especially when you have company... Now who should I invite next time I set alight to the charcoals ? More importantly if you could invite anyone, who would it be?

For me it would be my Dad who passed away a long time ago. He always loved making bonfires and wasn't around for the onset of BBQ's, but he did roast a mean spud in the bonfire embers. My dad would be great company too, with his piano accordion knocking out a few tunes and at the end of the evening of entertainment after few drinks, I'd put him to bed, tuck him in, give him a kiss on his forehead and say, night dad I love you. That would be a night to remember!

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