Eventful day

My sanity knows no bounds.

My fella and I went out for a drive today, (well, he drove and I got chauffeured :) with the intent to stop various places and take some pics. But first there were a few...... problems

His car appears to be a beacon for suicidal wildlife.

A little baby bambi appeared from nowhere and had an unfortunate fatal incident with the wheel of the car. We were both a bit shook up :(
Then a squirell ran out and was narrowly missed.
After that came a low flying bird that just missed the windscreen......

So anyhow........... driving, nervously along, and we spotted this gorgeous highland coo trying to cool down. The only parking available was half a mile down the road, Out we got and I stumbled alongside the main road in my flip flops to go back to take this shot.
Later on I was scrabbling over rocks n shit, which is not easy in flippy flops I hasten to add, to get closer to a wee waterfall but this was my favourite pic of the day :)

Anyhow, twas a lovely day inbetween all the roadkill, and now home with a wee vino, sore feet, salt n vinegar discos and Britain's Got Talent.

Have a good saturday folks :)

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