Bouquetin, near Gemmi Pass

One of four male bouquetin (ibex) that we saw just after leaving the hut this morning, fifteen minutes before tragedy struck one of their herd.

After breakfast with more stunning views, we said goodbye to HilarysView and her friends and set off for a walk to the Lammerenhutte. We soon met a photographer, in full camouflage, who told us where to see some bouquetin just off our path. We were not disappointed and soon found them and spent some time watching/photographing them, and birds of prey nearby, before continuing on our way. After a few minutes, we heard a very loud gun shot that echoed around us and were suddenly aware that we were very exposed and had no idea what was going on. Horrified we watched as a male bouquetin, with horns, started rolling down the mountainside towards us with some quite big rocks. Hunters had shot him. Apart from the fact that we’d been in real danger, it was dreadful to see such an incredible animal brought down like that. We then spotted two hunters and another man who was holding a rifle. Apparently, in this area, you can pay to shoot bouquetin and collect the horns as a trophy. We have reported this incident as we were in danger and it should not be happening next to a public footpath.

We carried on to the hut but were distracted for the rest of the day despite seeing a marmot ( see extra) close up and plenty birds. After a tart and drink at the hut, we retraced our steps to the top of the Gemmi Pass, took the cable car down and headed for home. Book club tonight.

I’ve also backblipped yesterday.

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