
By ZE1Christie

A Jigsaw Kinda Morning

The heatwave continues, sadly not for us in Shetland.  Sunny spells and windy this morning.  Headed south, mist on the hills, and drizzle showers.  Still windy tonight, but clear.  

Up early, washing out, walkies with Sammy, then popped by Madeline's for a cuppa.  Nipped by Laura's on my way to work.  1pm start in the airport today.  Mostly meeting and boarding flights, all on time.  More walkies with Sammy this evening, now feet up.  

I was hoping to get out for a hike up the hill before work, but no such luck.  Laura and Megan were home, with Eve and Millie arriving later, soaked after a morning walk.  Laura and Megan were busy working on a new jigsaw, a map of center London.  Looking like the weather should improve over the next few days, leave the jigsaws for winter.  Taken in the Blett Road, Cunningsburgh.  

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