midwife crisis

By lulubelle

Hot and sunny. Dad stable this morning , visiting pm. Long supportive chat with mum, did some gardening for her while she did her own stuff. All a bit surreal.
Visited dad . Very shocking and sad, he can barely speak through rasping wheezes but he did rally while we visited which was wonderful to see , then plummeted again.
My niece V joined us and it was lovely for dad to have the 3 generations loving him . Love,
Kindness and positivity and some good old
Fashioned nursing care is helping …. Along with the mega doses of IV antibiotics .
Love going out to one of my other nieces who is having an absolutely awful time and tried to end it all yesterday . Thankfully she’s still here. Sometimes a lot comes at once but we both have a lot of love and resilience in our families and personally . Doesn’t stop it hurting tho.

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