
By SC26

Bitch Boxer

Thursday is my Friday, as I have the day off tomorrow, and I'm so glad to see the back of this working week. I'd sort of forgotten about a trip to the theatre with Ellie that we'd had planned for a while. I hadn't read up on the show, and am glad that I didn't as I probably wouldn't have gone if I'd known in advance that it dealt with issues of the death of the character's Dad. I've tended to avoid anything like this.. mainly as I think if whatever it was didn't deal with the situation 'properly' it would make me really angry. Anyway, as it was, this show is fantastic... funny and moving, it had me in tears as a lot of what she said rang so true. I think it's reassuring to hear what you're feeling articulated by someone else sometimes. It was also an amazing bit of physical theatre; an incredible 55min one-woman show. If you get the chance, go see it.

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