Three Horseshoes

To make things a bit different, today I was back I the Staines office. There were a bunch of meetings and E was there from late-mornings onwards. Again, none of the signposted meetings actually happened but it didn’t matter as I had some other meetings to be in and the marketing team presented the results from a campaign they have been running. I think they were a bit taken aback when our team actually walked into the room rather than firing up Teams.

After work there was a leaving event for some people I had never met. A couple of the team wanted to go and so we headed down to The Swam Hotel in Staines, which is nicely situated by the river, for a couple of drinks. There was a decent turn out but I didn’t really speak to anybody new; Mo and I ended up having a long chat.

Afterwards we walked back to the office where P & J picked up their cars and, kindly, drove those of us without our own transport to The Three Horseshoes where we had booked a table for a team gathering.   It was nice as this was the only team outing that’s happened since I joined - with the exception of my welcome lunch.

After dinner the others gradually departed. We helped E order an Uber and then Daniel and I had a drink until it was time to order our own Ubers. There was quite a long wait, which is unsurprising as we were quite a way out, but we were able to book cars and I was home by half past ten. I hope we get to go out as a team a bit more often.

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