Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


My beloved Almera. My husband bought me this car and I loved it. But it started guzzling oil. Then when my mum stopped driving at 96 years (3 years ago), - only because of Covid, I drive her car. It’s golden and automatic and a few dunts in the front passenger door.

So these 2 guys came from a scrappage yard in Dublin 8. They had the appearance of rough diamonds but were two real gentlemen. Sweating (record temps in Dublin), dirty oil stained clothes and shovelly hands. But skilled and no messing. We had a great chat. I like people like this. Less talk. More action.

When it came to sign the tax cert, the younger one (the son) had to sign it as the older one was ‘not good at the reading or writing’.

They drove away with the Almera. You can’t beat a hatchback, I said to myself.

Then I got to thinking. I am a qualified Adult Literacy Teacher. I might go back to that.

The Universe is sending us messages all the time. We just gotta listen


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