Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

A hot little friend

It's been another really warm and muggy day, mostly spent in the garden, and in between in the shade of the living room watching cricket. 
One of the compost bins has been emptied into sacks ready for mulching in a few weeks and the other one turned and moved to the empty one. I'm actually quite impressed with my compost - it consists mainly of grass clippings, kitchen waste and chopped up brown cardboard from boxes, toilet roll inners, egg boxes etc. Hubby turns it every month or so - well, as much as he can as it's in one of those black daleks, and normally 6 months or so and it's ready to use. It seems to work very well for us. 
I'm now in the process of trying to empty the greenhouse so I can give it a clean. I've removed 6 of the tomato plants, but we still have 4 left, some chillis, peppers and cucumbers in there, so it might have to wait another week or so. 
Planted some more perennials out and did more weeding and clearing, but still a lot to do. Might continue tomorrow if my back is OK. It's done a lot of bending today!!!

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