Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


In Germany cash is used a lot and there are minimum spend limits in many places if you want to pay with card. If you get money out of a machine that you don't bank with there can be charges. Today I wanted to go to the market to buy bread, fruit and veggies. The nearest cash machine was out of money. I miss my bike for errands like this. It's a 20 min walk each way to the next nearest one. 

Had to deal with some flat stuff over the phone. Managed to talk to the guy today after many attempts. Made an appointment for the end of September. Emailed him to confirm. It was like dealing with my less organised child. 

The builders are the total opposite. The old stove and kitchen have not only been taken apart they have been taken to the dump. Labrynthine paths for done sort of internet electrikery have been drilled/cut into the walls. They arrange their tools in neat rows along the the floor which is endearingly conscientious. 

The caravan reminds me of one parked on my grandparents garden where I lived for maybe two months when I was wee. The flat we lived in was getting an upstairs built in. No idea how we cooked or washed or how my parents didn't divorce. I love the dinyness of caravan interiors but hate the feeling of being crammed into a small space. 

Celebrated Friday with an Aperol spritz. The iron bru colour always amuses me. 

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