By JAM28


We walked to Mousehole again this morning, which only takes about 20 minutes from where we’re staying. We really like this quaint little village with its pretty harbour.
Mr M and I swam in the harbour, which was lovely. Swimming most days has been an added bonus on this holiday, thanks to the wonderful weather. Mr M doesn’t usually swim in this country but he has surprised himself with how much he’s enjoyed it.
After our swim we had coffee and then pasties by the harbour for lunch.
Back to our house briefly and then out again to a village near St Just for a cream tea and a trip to a beautiful little cove.
In the evening Mr M and I walked to Mousehole again for some live music in the pub and some Cornish cider.
It’s been a fabulous holiday and MIL has really enjoyed it. It’s been her first proper holiday since before Covid and she has really embraced everything we’ve done with her. She’s had a lot more activity than she’s used to, but she’s kept going really well. She’s been along muddy country paths, across beaches, along a cobbled causeway, over stiles and up and down a steep, rocky cliff path. Her quote of the holiday: “what sort of terrain are we doing next so I know what shoes to put on?” She’s a real trooper.

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