
The top of this tree in our garden I still see as a cockerel (though some see a squirrel). Either way, since last summer it seems to have sprouted another bird out of the top of its head. Perhaps a small corvid - it's hard to say! The picture's a bit fuzzy as it was taken at dusk on zoom. 

This afternoon I popped over to Family B's house and took my cozzie. The idea was that Little Miss B and I would have a dip in their hot tub before the weather broke. We only just made it. After about ten minutes splashing around, there was a sudden roll of thunder. LMB said, "I think we'd better get out, it might not be safe." (Oh, she can be so sensible for such a little one!) So we did. Within a minute lightning followed and a heavy downpour of rain. Such a sudden change! It cleared the air briefly, but already it's feeling close again. 

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