Sunday sunrise

Out walking just after 6am again.  It felt a tad cooler this morning though virtually no air movement. 

Back home hung out some washing.  Rain and thunderstorms were forecast for 4pm.  Managed to get everything dry but no thunderstorm materialised and the rain wouldn't fill a teaspoon.  Perhaps it'll rain in the night.  

Made apple spice muffins in the afternoon using a large apple from our tree.

Have discovered that my leaf mould bin which is open and made of wood slats is comfortable for a ginger cat and a fox - not at the same time.  It is in a shady spot and maybe be cool for them 
The cat was unperturbed by Kyro dancing about and barking.  Lucky he was on the lead. The fox leapt out and through the hedge into next door's garden.

Hoping for a cooler evening but may have to wait until tomorrow evening.

Stay cool everyone.

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