Tunes by the Dunes

Early start to get organised to head north to Dunnet Bay with a pit stop in Dingwall to drop Phin off for a short stay at a home boarding spot.

All went smoothly, Phin took to the owner Catherine really well and was happy to play with her three whippets. I left him playing happily in the garden.

It was another hot day and our journey north was fairly uneventful barring the small matter of Mr PHL stepping in something very stinky which took a lot of cleaning with baby wipes to remove. Luckily he had spare shoes!

We made it to the campsite fir just after 1 and we’re settled on our pitch next to our friends Stuart and Linda (who had arrived on the Thursday) by just after 2. They arrived back from a walk along the coast at 3 and we enjoyed a quick catch up before heading down to the beach to have a quick swim. Didn’t stay in for long but it was glorious once I plucked up the courage to dunk myself under the water.

A quick shower and change of clothes later and we headed off to the festival site (the local team football grounds). The bar was manned by local volunteers and the prices were a flat rate of £4 for anything alcoholic and £1 for cabs if soft drink or bottles of water.
There were 3 bands playing tonight, Whisky, Beinn Lee and Trail West. All were excellent and really got the fried gojng. We had fresh and tasty fish tacos from a food truck called The Angry Seagull to go along with our drinks and by the time we made it back to the campsite just after 11 I’d covered just under 23000 steps!

Backblipped Sunday for Friday 8th

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