Fingers crossed

As part of my attempt to make the dialysis chair comfortable, I'm borrowing this pillow from Lex to see if it might be the solution for neck support.  Fingers crossed.

I sent messages today to both Dr. Morales and Dr. Li, asking if they could arrange an urgent appointment with a  vascular surgeon to fix my fistula.  I'm hoping one of them comes through for me, as I need to get this problem solved before too many more dialysis sessions.  At the same time I'm suffering from excruciating pain from carpal tunnel syndrome, for which I'm going to need surgery soon.  But I can't do that until I get the fistula fixed, because I can't pause dialysis.

I got that EKG this afternoon and saw first hand how staffing shortages are affecting care at Northwest Hospital.  Fortunately there weren't many other EKG patients, so I didn't have to to wait too long.  Then I went to visit with Lex and bring home some of what she'd cooked for me.  Later I was happy to talk with Gena and Terri, who are sending healing thoughts and good wishes my way.

And it's back to dialysis tomorrow.

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